Refferal program - profitable, simple, suitable for everyone

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Why our partners benefit from the DIKIDI referral program?

  • It’s easy to use - just one click to connect
  • It’s easy to share - copy the promo code and send it
  • No limits on earnings
  • You can withdraw to your DIKIDI account or to your bank account
  • All statistics is available in your referrer account

Who can take part in the DIKIDI referral program ?

  1. Our users who like the DIKIDI app
  2. Teachers and instructors in beauty and business
  3. Bloggers in the field of beauty, business, marketing
  4. CRM software implementation specialists 

What are the conditions of DIKIDI referral program?

You get:

25% of your referred users' payments within 6 months of registration.

New users get:

1 free month of the Full plan and 30% cashback from plans, deals and premium paid within 2 months after registration

How to start?

Open the left menu in the DIKIDI app, go to the section Referral program, go to your referrer account and press "Become a partner".

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