How to Avoid Scheduling Conflicts When Booking Online?

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Two professionals schedule appointments for the same procedure — laser hair removal. On the appointment day, both clients arrive, but it turns out the equipment is occupied. Now, the professionals can't decide who should start first.

An unpleasant situation, isn't it? 😢

However, DIKIDI has a solution — it's the "Resources" feature.

What are "Resources"?

A resource can be any equipment or space that is used in your business.

✅ Example

  • Furniture (work desks, chairs, treatment couches)
  • Tools for manicure and pedicure
  • Cosmetic treatment room

Advantages of Using "Resources"

Booking restriction: The system prevents multiple appointments from scheduling for the same resource at the same time. For example, if a chair is occupied, no one will be able to book a service that requires it.

Work automation: As soon as a customer books a service online or an employee makes an appointment, the resource is marked as "Occupied". This eliminates accidental double bookings.

Schedule management: In the Appointment Journal, available time is automatically displayed based on the resource's availability. This simplifies scheduling for staff and helps to avoid errors.

How to Set It Up? 🔧

1️⃣ Create a resource card
This can be any equipment or space which is important for work.
For example, a Chair.

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2️⃣ Link services

Specify which services require the use of a specific resource and choose them.

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3️⃣ Activate the resource

Enable a toggle switch. 

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Now, every time a customer or employee makes an appointment, the necessary resource will be marked as occupied for the duration of the service. This fully automates the process and helps to avoid any misunderstandings.

⚠️ Important! The "Show in appointments" toggle switch determines whether the selected resource will be displayed in the "Appointment Journal" of the DIKIDI web version.

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Example of the web version with  "Show in appointments" enabled:

Mary, a beauty-professional, wants to book her client Ann for a haircut. The service requires a "Hairdressing chair". When creating a new appointment, we can see that this resource is already occupied from 09:20 to 10:20, and it cannot be used during that time.

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The "Resources" feature is available in DIKIDI completely free🤗

To enable it, go to 👉 "Settings"→ "Resources".

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