Use the Hidden Capabilities of Automatic Notifications

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Companies and freelancers often rely on automatic notifications to remind clients of upcoming appointments. This has become a standard service practice in the service industry.

However, automatic notifications have several other advantages that may not be obvious to everyone:

Attracting new clients

In the DIKIDI system, you can set up automatic review collection through notifications. After an appointment, ask a client to share their impressions - this ensures quality control and handling of objections, as well as boosts your rating on internet platforms, including the DIKIDI Online catalog.

Popular profiles on DIKIDI Online receive priority placement in the catalog, DIKIDI Awards recognition, and most importantly, new clients.

Increasing client retention

Invite clients for a return visit - this shows care and attention, and DIKIDI will send the invitation for you.

For example, if a client has eyelash extensions with a wear period of approximately 3-4 weeks, select the appropriate service and set the invitation sending period - this way, they won't forget about eyelash extensions removal and will book with you in advance.

For each service, you can choose your own time to send invitations for a return visit, which is very convenient.

Maintaining client loyalty

Set up loyalty programs using DIKIDI - in the form of cashback or birthday bonuses, and a client will automatically receive a notification of reward accrual.

For example, add a multi-level cashback program - 3% discount on services after the first visit, 5% discount on services after spending $70, etc., and set an expiration date. The client will receive a notification of bonus accrual and a separate warning of imminent expiration.

The additional benefit from purchases brings positive emotions to clients, stimulating repeat visits and creating a strong bond between you.

DIKIDI offers several channels for sending automatic notifications - Push, SMS, WhatsApp, and Telegram. You can configure one or several at once. To enable, go to the "Settings" - "Notifications" section.

Thus, automatic notifications are convenient to use and effective for business.

Find out more about types of automatic notifications

However, such notifications may not suit everyone - depending on cost and other work-related things. For such cases, DIKIDI provides Manual sending functionality.

The difference is that DIKIDI automatically generates the text of notification messages, and you send them manually.

With manual notifications, you save time on composing the necessary message and making calls. In addition, you eliminate errors - this increases service quality and customer satisfaction.

Instructions on how to enable manual sending

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