Rules for Writing Reviews for DIKIDI Online Users

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We want only useful reviews to be on DIKIDI Online. That is why we have created rules for writing them. In case of non-compliance with the rules, the platform reserves the right to delete the review.

If you think that a review violates the rules, you can report it. Moderators will check a review and remove it if the complaint is approved.

Recommendations for the authors' reviews

How to write a review that would be helpful to other users?

1. Describe in detail and clearly

Describe fully and simply what you liked and what you didn't like. This will help users to make a choice, companies and freelancers to see and correct any mistakes.

2. Communicate politely

Don't use rude or offensive language, as well as phrases that insult employees, clients, or users of the service. In case of a conflict, please describe it without aggression or insults.

3. Don't share personal information

Don't give any personal information about yourself or others in reviews, including contact details, home address, and other information concerning the private life.

4. Write a review to read easily

Please, don't use transliteration. Don't overuse capital letters, exclamation marks, smileys, and emojis.

Reviews help to choose a service provider here and now. Therefore, you can leave a review only for an appointment that ended no more than 1 (one) month ago.

We care about the reputation of service providers and keep reviews up to date. Therefore, you can leave only 1 (one) public review, which will be posted.

Reviews publication rules

1. Describe your personal experience

For example, the service won't publish hearsay reviews: "My sister said she was cheated out of money here. I don't recommend."

2. Choose the correct profile

If a company has multiple branches, please, find the one you visited.

3. Don't write about jobs

Our service is developed for selecting services, not for recruiting employees.

4. Do not leave any advertisements or spam

Reviews containing advertisements will be removed. Mentions of competitors and comparisons with them are also prohibited. If a user posts many promotional comments, the account will be blocked.

5. Don't leave any misinformation

Don't write a review if you are offered a discount for it or asked to show the text at the checkout. These reviews aren't objective and don't benefit others.

6. Reviews containing violence, scenes of pornography, elements of discrimination will be removed.

Don’t use phrases and photos that:

1) may injure others, cause negative feelings (disgust, fear, etc)

2) contain discrimination on the basis of any characteristics (religious, ethnic, etc)

3) contain eroticism, pornography, smoking scenes

If you have a company profile or work as a freelancer on DIKIDI Business, read our article on how to deal with reviews:

How to set up the review request notification

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