All information for business management - sales analytics

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Do you know which of your employees bring in the most money?

And which service is the most popular with customers?

How much more sales are there of one service compared to another?

You can easily answer these questions with the Sales section of the DIKIDI app.

You can use information from the Sales section if you want to:

  • find out the profit you made from each appointment
  • find out which services, products, gift cards, materials bring you the most profit
  • set a plan to increase your average check
  • reduce the cost of providing your services
  • calculate employee bonuses based on their sales

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What will you find in the Sales section?

1. Summary

Summary shows information about your profit, taking into account total revenue and cost of sales. You can also see your profitability percentage for the selected period and your average check.

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2. Sales amount

It is broken down into services, materials, gift cards and goods, and also into employees. You can see the best-selling services and goods, as well as the most efficient employees.

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3. Cost of sales

The system automatically calculates your costs of providing services based on the settings of employee salaries, costs of purchasing materials and goods.

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4. Sales list

You can also view all sales made for the selected period and detailed information on them.

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Sales section will help you better navigate your business, manage your employees and make the right decisions on business development

Connect Sales sections within the Minimum, Standard and Full plans.

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