Notifications, Reminders and Confirmation Codes

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DIKIDI have 3 kinds of notification:

1. Client use Online Booking

2. Staff made a new appointment

3. Upcoming appointment reminder


Sending reminders can reduce absences and time, that spent on calling.

To send SMS notifications open Settings > SMS notifications > Replenish


DIKIDI Business Mobile App:

Image 3145   Image 3146


Image 3142


In each appointment select SMS reminder and save changes. 

Image 3143

SMS after visit can be set up on website in section Settings > Booking Settings

Image 3144



Price of standard template (*CompanyName waiting for you *date at *time. *company_phone_number) is calculated depending on length of text. Length of 1 part of message = 70 symbols. A message can consist of multiple parts. 

Price per part of message = 0,05 $

Personal template (1 part - 70 symbols) = 0,06 $. To set up personal template write in customer support.

Prices are quoted in USD for USA. Final SMS value you can see in SMS Notifications > Tariffs

Online Payment is made by Visa and Mastercard.


Confirmation Codes with Online Booking on your own website.

If you integrate the button "Online Booking" on your website, a confirmation code will be required when booking (sent to a client after booking). Confirmation code will be paid for you. Price = 0,05 $.

Prices are quoted in USD for USA. Final SMS value you can see in SMS Notifications > Tariffs

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