License Agreement

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This license agreement is concluded by acceptance by the user (hereinafter referred to as the Licensee) of an offer addressed to him by Company; hereinafter referred to as the Licensor) on the following terms.


  1. The subject of the agreement is the granting to the Licensee of a non-exclusive right (a simple non-exclusive license) to use the computer program "DIKIDI Business" (hereinafter referred to as the Software) by providing the Licensee with access to the Licensor's server.
  2. The right granted under the terms of the agreement includes the ability to use the functionality of the Software.
  3. The right granted under the terms of the agreement does not include the possibility of performing actions regarding to the Software aimed at copying, sublicensing, decompiling, modifying, disassembling, and other actions that entail distribution and (or) modification of the Software.
  4. The Agreement does not imply the possibility of alienating the personal non-property rights of Software developers, as well as the Licensor's property rights to means of individualization of persons, goods, works, services.
  5. The agreement regarding free functionality of the Software is valid from the date of acceptance by the Licensee of the terms of the agreement for an indefinite period.
  6. The agreement regarding paid functionalities of the Software is valid from the date of payment of remuneration for the provision of paid functionalities for a period determined based on the conditions for the provision of a particular paid product.
  7. The start date of the agreement corresponds to the date on which the Licensee was granted access to the Licensor's server.
  8. The termination of the agreement in the absence of claims of the Licensee regarding its execution by the Licensor is considered the consent of the Licensee that the agreement has been properly executed by the Licensor.
  9. The specific list of paid functionality of the Software provided to the Licensee is determined by the Licensor in the form of tariff plans and individual modules.
  10. The cost of providing paid functionality of the Software is determined by the Licensor and brought to the attention of the Licensee by indicating the relevant information in the user interface of the Software.
  11. Payment for the paid functionality of the Software provided to the Licensee is carried out in the ways and in order determined by the Licensor and brought to the attention of the Licensee by indicating the relevant information in the user interface of the Software.
  12. The choice of specific method and procedure for payment for the provided paid functionality of the Software from among those determined by the Licensor is carried out by the Licensee.
  13. The provision of paid functionalities of the Software to the Licensee is not carried out until the full payment of the cost of such provision by the Licensee.
  14. When making changes and additions to the Software and its functionality, the Licensor acts independently and is not bound by the wishes (instructions) of the Licensee.
  15. The scope and methods of providing the Software technical support services to the Licensee are determined by the Licensor independently.
  16. The Licensor is not responsible for the scope and quality of services for technical support of the Software, as well as for the compliance of the result of the services provided with the expectations of the Licensee.
  17. Providing the Licensee with the opportunity to use a paid service for notifying customers implemented through integrations with third parties, insofar as it relates to the activities of third parties, is not included in the scope of the rights granted under the agreement.
  18. The terms of the agreement do not impose on the Licensor the obligation to ensure the incessancy of the Licensee's access to the Licensor's server.
  19. The Licensee is responsible for the accuracy of the data provided by him when registering an account and further use of the Software, as well as for the compliance of such data with legal requirements.
  20. The Licensor undertakes to ensure the confidentiality of the information transferred to him by the Licensee, if its content or the circumstances of its transfer clearly indicate the intention of the Licensee to keep such information confidential.
  21. The conclusion of the agreement implies the acceptance by the Licensee of the conditions set forth in the offer in general and without reservations.
  22. The conclusion of the agreement also implies the acceptance by the Licensee of the terms of the user agreement posted on the Licensor's website.
  23. The Licensee is responsible for any losses caused to the Licensor by non-performance (improper performance) of the terms of the agreement and (or) user agreement.
  24. The Licensor shall not be liable for losses incurred by the Licensee as a result of the use of the Software or the inability to use it for one reason or another.
  25. Violation by the Licensee of the terms of the agreement and (or) the user agreement provides the Licensor with the right to withdraw from the agreement without prior notice to the Licensee.
  26. The Licensor's refusal from the agreement or termination of the agreement on other grounds provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation entails the termination of the Licensee's access to the Licensor's server.
  27. Termination of the agreement for any of the reasons provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation does not entail the emergence of the right of the Licensee to demand from the Licensor the return of the paid cost of providing paid functionality of the Software and other payments made in favor of the Licensor in connection with the use of the Software by the Licensee.
  28. The Licensee is not granted the right to unilaterally withdraw from the agreement.
  29. Termination of the use by the Licensee of the functionality of the Software cannot be interpreted as a circumstance entailing the termination of the agreement.
  30. The terms of the agreement may be changed by the Licensor unilaterally with the notification of the Licensee by posting a new version of the agreement on the Licensor's website.
  31. The terms of the unilaterally amended agreement apply to the relations between the Licensor and the Licensee that arose after the notification of the Licensee.
  32. The Licensee is aware of and agrees that the rights and obligations of the Licensor stipulated by the agreement are exercised by the person distributing the Software at the location of the Licensee.
  33. The Licensee is aware of and agrees that payment for the provided paid functionality of the Software may be accepted by the Licensor or a person authorized by him.
  34. Relations not regulated by the agreement regarding its subject are regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
  35. Disputes related to the execution of the agreement shall be resolved in court at the location of the Licensor.

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