10 rules how to promote your Deal.

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Here will not be anything extra, only facts! DIKIDI team collect for you 10 rules which help you promote your Deal


1. Upload photos in your Project (best examples of works, staff's and interior photos). Every client wants to see examples of work before making an appointment. 

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2.  Enhance your project with feedback. Clients pay attention to the feedback and if you have fewer recalls, they can choose another salon. Clients can leave feedback in mobile application DIKIDI Online or you can send SMS with request a feedback 

3. Place your social network's links in profile. Clients pay attention to your public pages, before make an appointment.

4. Don't create artificially high prices for Deals. Clients are not the fool and know the price range of services.

5. Set discount not less than 10% (ideally 30-40%). Biiig discount 5% is not interesting.

6. Set up the duration of Deal no less than 10 days. In practice clients make appointments 2-3 times in a month if the duration of the Deal will be only 3 days clients may not see that. 

7. Place information about Deal in your social networks. Let as many customers as possible know about your offer

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8. Upload really attractive picture. Show clients your service level.

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9. Write creative and catchy title of the Deal. Mostly people aren't interested in titles like "acquaintance with master" and completely ignoring them.

10. Don't limit clients "Only for birthday", "only for Mary" etc. Fewer conditions - more chances to attract clients.


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