Send Reminders to Your Customers via Viber & SMS!

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DIKIDI allows you to send reminders using manual sendings. Let’s take a closer look at this feature.

What are Manual Sendings?

Manual sending is a method whereby DIKIDI automatically creates a message and you send it manually from your own number. This is perfect, when you need to send a small number of messages.

Types of notifications you can send to your customers:

  • Visit reminders
  • Visit confirmation requests
  • Notifications of appointment creation, change, or cancellation
  • Reviews & tips requests
  • Invitations for a follow-up visits

Various channels are available for sending, such as Viber, SMS, Instagram, Telegram, and others.

Manual sendings are cheaper than automatic ones and included in all fee plans, that also give access to many other useful features.

Manual Sendings Offer:
  • Fewer Late Arrivals or No-Shows: Send reminders so that customers don’t forget about their appointments or mix up the date or time. As a result, they will visit you more often, which increases your income.
  • Time-Saving: The app automatically fills in the templates with the necessary information. You need only to choose a sending channel and send your message.
  • Client Retention: Invitations for follow-up visits remind the customers to book another appointment. This increases their attendance and your profits.
  • Review Recieving: Review requests help to improve service quality, keep in contact with customers, and boost your ratings among competitors.
  • High-Quality Service: Reminders show your care for the customers, making them more loyal and likely to recommend your services to their friends and acquaintances, contributing to the growth of your customer base.

Let each notification work for you: more visits, more reviews, more profits!

How to Enable?

Simply go to the “Settings” → “Notifications” → “Notification channels” section. Choose “Manual Sending” and click “Enable”.


Free access for 2 weeks!

Try our manual sendings and all DIKIDI features for free for two weeks. To enable the trial period, go to the “Settings” → “Plans” section, select the PRO plan, and click “Free trial for 2 weeks”.


Manual sendings can be included in any fee plan, starting from LITE. The cost of a 1 month usage starts from $3/month (paying for a 12-month plan).

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