How to Accrue Salary Bonuses & Сharge Fines

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To Accrue a Bonus

1. In the sections “Salary” → “Balance” choose:

  • to click “Payment” and select the employee for whom the salary will be paid
  • to select an employee from the list, go to their salary card and select “Accrual” → "One-time payment"

    Image 8423

    2. Specify the date and bonus amount.

    3. Optionally, add a comment stating the reason for the bonus.

      Example: Bonus for exceeding the target number of bookings in November.

      Image 8424

      To Charge a Fine

      1. Go to "Salary" → "Balance" and select the employee from whom you want to charge a fine

      2. Choose "Withholding" → "Add a withholding"

      3. Specify the date and fine amount

      4. Optionally, add a comment stating the reason for the fine.

        Example: Fine for being late to work by more than one hour

        Image 8426

        The "Salary" feature in the DIKIDI platform is available in all fee plans: LITE, PRO, VIP.

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